Tuesday 27 January 2009

Yes, I know, I know...

I'm slacking.

I'm under the weather at the moment and dealing with some, uh, issues so I'll be away for a few more days and then I'll update properly.

Friday 2 January 2009

Happy New Year

Yessiree. 2009 is here and I for one am glad.

There's going to be a lot of changes in my life in 2009. Some changes I hope will happen, but some I will force. The process to a new life begins now with a culling of some old contacts. I tied up all loose ends in 2008 and I can wipe the slate clean. They don't need me, and I don't need them. It's an amicable break.

Literature wise 2009 will see the submission of my novel. I am, at this moment, prepping it into manuscript format. I fully believe this novel will sell, but then I would believe that. The minute it is submitted I am going to work on a second book (and finish my screenplay). Like I said, some changes I'll force.

Have a good one and I hope you all achieve whatever dreams you have. If 2008 sucked for you, like it did for me, then let's make 2009 ours.