Wednesday 11 February 2009

Being healthy

One of the drawbacks about doing what I do is that you tend to stay at home a lot, cramped up in a small room (or at least my room is small) and staring at a computer screen for aaaaaaaages. As a result your eyes look funny, your back hurts and God only knows what your internal organs and arteries think of you.

So, today, I went a bit healthy. I went into town for a nice stroll.

It rained and I had no umbrella. It was also f**king freezing.

But I did enjoy myself. It was nice seeing people, traffic and all those kind of things. But on a serious note the lack of movement I've been doing meant that my legs got tired really quickly. I had planned to stay out till about 3pm onwards but I had to come home at 11am because my hips were hurting. I plan on going back outside tomorrow though and I am going to try and make a regular habit of it. At a bare minimum I want to work away from home on two days a week.

While at home though I have been trying to be healthy. Lots of juice, water and healthy foods. I still splurge on cola zero and the odd bacon sarnie now and again but, hey, life is for living!!

I have been trying Yoga too. Yes, the charms of the internet gave me the idea to try a few simple yoga exercises. Unfortunately, the one problem about the net is it's hard to work out what is a good source of information and what is crap. One website told me that the "wheel pose" was a fabulous way for the beginner to start his yoga session. It looked easy enough. Let me see if I can find you a picture of it. Ah yes, here we go. Oh, and this wasn't the website that I used initially which told me it was a beginner pose:

As you can see it looks rather easy. I nearly broke my neck trying it!

I've used the image without the author's permission, I hope they don't mind. I am of course happy to give them a shoutout. It's from the quite excellent:

Again, this wasn't the website which misled me.

Tuesday 10 February 2009


Alas I have abandoned you my friends.

A poor show, one cannot deny. In truth I've been working my little cotton socks off. I'd be lying if I said my book self-editing was going smoothly, it isn't. But it is going now, at least. I picked up the quite fabulous Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne and Dave King and have since been applying the lessons carefully to my manuscript. I really need an editor because it's hard reading one's own work without your eyes glazing over or without the temptation to or without the feeling that you're going to miss something.

So what else is new?

I've been contemplating self-publication. It's a bold step and certainly not one that should be taken lightly but it could reap dividends. And by that I don't mean financial dividends.

Also I have been tapping away at screenwriting. I have three ideas in my head that are solid enough to start going onto paper but the Trilogy must be completed first.